The AATIF Technical Assistance Facility (TA Facility) is a due part of AATIF and accompanies AATIF’s financing activities with technical assistance support for AATIF’s investees to maximize their development potential and to achieve compliance with the Fund’s Social and Environmental Policy. Additionally, the TA Facility conducts rapid appraisals of all AATIF investments and pursues research and development activities to promote agri-finance in Africa.
The TA Facility is managed by the Common Fund for Commodities (CFC). The CFC is an intergovernmental financial institution established within the framework of the United Nations and is specialized in development projects for the global agricultural commodity sector. Five CFC staff members are dedicated to the identification, development, and management of AATIF TA Facility interventions. The CFC TA Facility team comprises expertise in tropical agriculture, commodity value chains, impact assessment, ESG risk management and project management, as well as financial and administrative support.
To ensure that AATIF’s Technical Assistance directly supports the mission of the Fund, the TA Facility Manager is directly supervised by the TA Facility Committee, which consists of representatives of TA Facility Donors, Fund sponsors and independent experts.
In regular TA Facility Committee meetings, which are also attended by AATIF’s Investment Manager and Sustainability Advisor, new projects are approved, the ongoing portfolio of activities is being discussed and progress monitored.
The AATIF TA Facility is financed with an initial contribution of EUR 12 m provided by the German Ministry for Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Besides donor funds, the AATIF Board can decide to allocate income from AATIF to the TA Facility when needed.
Countries in Africa
where TA Facility projects are implemented
Number of TA Facility projects
approved in total
€8.3 million
Total TA funds pledged
to TA Facility projects
Number of agribusinesses and financial institutions
that have received TA support